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Chemtrix Contributes to the International Consortium of CC FLOW
8 August 2017

In July 2017, together with twelve industrial, three scientific & two associated partners, Chemtrix became part of the ‘K-Project’ CC FLOW – “Center for Continous Flow Synthesis & Processing” which is supported & sponsored by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). The Centre's Scientific Director is Prof. Oliver Kappe, who has been researching in this field at University of Graz for more than 15 years.
This challenging project will be executed by scientific partners the Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering (RCPE), University of Graz (UG) & Graz University of Technology (TUG), supported by Industrial Partners. The K-project has received an initial four-year funding phase & will run from July 2017 to June 2021 with a project volume of 4.7 M€.
The strategic objective of this new K-project is to integrate, strengthen & advance existing knowledge in the areas of continuous processing & Flow Chemistry to enable the development of novel, innovative & scalable methods for the continuous production of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs). The approach heavily relies on the three principles of;
1. Process simplification
2. Process intensification
3. Process integration
In parallel there will be focus on developing a deep fundamental scientific understanding of key parameters along the process chain from synthetic chemistry & reaction engineering, to reactor & plant design.
To achieve this goal, a particular & diverse skill set is needed that includes synthetic chemistry, chemical engineering, process analytics, plant / process engineering, simulation science, additive manufacturing & separation sciences. This is achieved via the creation of an academic-industrial consortium:
Scientific Partners: Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering, Graz University of Technology & University of Graz
Project Partners: Anton Parr, AstraZeneca, Chemtrix, Eli Lilly, E. L. T., Lithoz, Lonza, Microinnova, Patheon, Phyllon, Prozess Optimal, Thales Nano & UCB
Associated Partners: Janssen Pharmaceutica & Zaiput Flow Technologies
Learn More on the project website!